Things to Consider: Bushfire Rating Regulations

Building in a Bushfire Prone Area brings with it a number of things to consider, such as requiring a BAL Assessment, vegetation clearing and using fire-rated materials that meet Australian Standard AS 1530. These additional requirements can add extra costs to construction, so it is important to take this into consideration if you are planning on building a new home.

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services has provided a resource for WA residents to check whether their property falls within a Bushfire Prone Zone. If any part of your lot is highlighted in pink, you may be required to undertake a Bushfire Attack Level Assessment to determine the BAL-Rating of your build site. To check if your property is within a Bushfire Prone Zone, click the link below.


If you’d like more information on BAL construction, talk to us today on 08 6454 0919.

Bal Rating 1024x526 Things to Consider: Bushfire Rating Regulations 1


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