Successful Classroom Install in Margaret River

Modular WA carried out another successful installation with a new modular classroom that was built recently for the Margaret River Independent School. The classroom was constructed off site in our Wangara manufacturing facility, with finishes matched to the existing buildings before being transported to site. In this case the site was far more challenging than the typical modular project, with restricted access to the area and a particularly short installation window of 1 week.

Due to the position of the site, the buildings had to be reversed off Busselton Highway during peak school holiday period – the trees surrounding the area and tight install space called for precise manoeuvring of both the crane and building modules. While the crane lift itself was not critical, due to the limited timeframe the entire install and complexing process had to run extremely smoothly in order for us to achieve the client’s strict handover deadline.

Modular WA is proud to provide another quality product to a satisfied client.
If you think you have a challenging site, give us a call to find out how we can make it work.

MRIS Install - Site Access

MRIS Install - Site Photos

MRIS Install - Site Photos

MRIS Install - Site Photos

MRIS Install - Site Photos

MRIS Install - Site Photos

MRIS Install - Site Photos

MRIS Install - Site Photos

MRIS Install - Site Photos

MRIS Install - Site Photos

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